Omega Drive from Boiled Goose Games is a successful game using Edy’s Vehice Physics on iOS. It has been a big success in some countries and even reached the #1 spot on the entire App Store in Saudi Arabia. It currently has about 10,000 daily users, according to the authors. [youtube]
DRIV3R meets Edy’s Vehicle Physics
Facts and myths on the Pacejka curves
When developing vehicle physics the tire is the single component that has the most influence in the entire system. When designing a tire simulation the Pacejka Curves arise sooner or later. What’s “Pacejka” exactly? First of all, the Pacejka Magic formula, also called simply Magic Formula “MF” or “MF-tyre”, is a function y=f(x) which is used […]
Advanced Telemetry Tool
This is the Advanced Telemetry tool. It shows the parameters over the time so you can easily see how things are working exactly. The graph can be moved and scaled both horizontally and vertically. When developing new concepts in vehicle physics this becomes an essential tool to verifying that you’re on the good path. The […]
The stabilizer bars: creating physically realistic, stable vehicles
Unity 3D exposes the nVidia PhysX engine for physics. The WheelCollider object allows to easily model vehicles. But there’s a problem you will surely encounter the first time you start experiencing with WheelColliders: Q: Why my absolutely simple car (rigidbody + 4 wheel colliders) flips over so easily when cornering? A: Because that’s exactly how […]