Edy’s Vehicle Physics – User Guide

User Guide for Edy’s Vehicle Physics 5

A brief description of the package to help you to get started quickly.

Example scenes provided with the package:

  • “The City – Simple Scene”: most simple setup with a single vehicle and the camera.
  • “The City – Vehicle Manager”: using the Vehicle Manager component for controlling several vehicles.


WSAD or arrows Throttle, brake, steering
Space Handbrake
Enter Reset vehicle (e.g. if it rolls over)
C Change camera
Tab or Page Up / Page Down Select vehicle (Vehicle Manager scene)
E Makes the gray stone to “jump”. Useful for load tests.
R Repair vehicle damage
T Slow time mode
P Pause vehicles. Camera and vehicle selection works while in pause.
Y Show/Hide telemetry. Shift-Y changes telemetry mode.
Esc Reset scene

How to create a vehicle from scratch

Component overview

Main components:

  • VehicleController: provides vehicle physics
  • VehicleCameraController: attach to a camera for providing all the camera modes
  • VehicleManager: manages several user-controlled vehicles in the scene
  • GroundMaterialManager: easily manages all the ground materials and their properties

Vehicle add-on components:

  • VehicleAudio: provides all audio effects
  • VehicleDamage: vehicle deformation and deterioration of handling
  • VehicleRandomInput: example script on how to implement a simple AI
  • VehicleStandardInput*: reads the standard Unity Input for controlling the vehicle
  • VehicleTelemetry*: UI and gizmos that expose the internal physic values for developers
  • VehicleTireEffects: provides tire marks, smoke, etc using the information from GroundMaterialManager
  • VehicleViewConfig: visual information to be used by VehicleCameraController when targeting the vehicle

* VehicleStandardInput and VehicleTelemetry may be added to the VehicleManager game object instead, so all the managed vehicles use the same input and telemetry settings.

Additional components:

  • TireMarksRenderer: draws the tire marks on a specific ground material
  • TireParticleEmitter: provides particle effects such as smoke and dust on a specific ground material
  • RigidbodyPause: allows the vehicles with this component to be paused and resumed
  • VehicleNitro: applies a sudden impulse or acceleration to the vehicle
  • SceneTools: generic functions such as slow-time mode and application quit on Escape

Vehicle Controller


Reference all the vehicle’s WheelCollider components here. Also, define the role(s) for each one (steer, drive, brake, handbrake).

A transform can be provided to be used as visual mesh for the wheel.

Handling & Behavior

These settings define most of the vehicle’s behavior.

Center of Mass (CoM): Position of the center of mass (CoM) for the rigidbody. If it’s omitted then it will be calculated out of the colliders. Combine the height of the CoM with the Anti Roll setting for configuring the vehicle’s reactions to the different accelerations (throttle, brake, steering).

Tire Friction: coefficient of friction of the wheels. 1 is the standard. More for sport vehicles, less for family vehicles, trucks, etc. This value affects the maximum acceleration of the vehicle.

Anti-Roll: controls the sideways banking. With 0 the banking is defined by the height of the CoM. If 1 the vehicle will steer almost flat.

Max Steer Angle: for the steering wheels, in degrees.

Aero Drag: drag force coefficient with speed. Force applied is coefficient * speed^2. Drag reduces the effective maximum speed of the vehicle.

Aero Downforce: force pushing the vehicle down with speed. Force applied is coefficient * speed^2. The downforce applies more load on the wheels, increasing their grip.

Aero App Point Offset: longitudinal distance in meters from the CoM where the aero forces will be applied.

Aerodynamic properties are applied in a point relative to the CoM given by the property AeroAppForceOffset, in meters. If set to 0 then the drag and downforce will be applied at the CoM. A positive value means applying them ahead of the CoM. A negative value means applying the forces behind the CoM. The property AeroDownforce pushes the vehicle down with the speed, giving the wheels more grip. If AeroAppForceOffset is negative, then the rear wheels receive more extra grip than front wheels. This is useful for achieving stability at high speeds. The opposite also applies: if the vehicle can hardly turn at high speed, then you could try setting AeroAppForceOffset to a positive value (eg. 0.5, 1.0).


Max Speed Forward,
Max Speed Reverse: maximum speed of the vehicle in m/s for each direction. Drive force is decreased with speed according to the Force Curve Shape. Beyond the maximum speed a resistive force is generated.

Max Drive Force: Maximum force in Newtons (N) that is delivered to the wheels at full throttle. Effective maximum force is decreased with speed according to the Force Curve Shape. Final force applied by wheels depend on the Tire Friction and load.

Max Drive Slip: maximum slip in m/s the wheel is allowed to slide over the surface while it’s receiving drive force. When the wheel is sliding the force is deflected to the slide direction, and the wheel loose sideways grip. The more slip allowed, less sideways grip. Traction Control (TC) limits this slip or even removes it.

Drive Force To Max Slip: Excess of throttle force in N that makes the wheel to slip at Max Drive Slip rate.

Force and slip example:
maxDriveForce is 3000N;
driveForceToMaxSlip is 1000N;
maxDriveSlip is 5 m/s;
The actual tire force at the wheel (load * tireFriction) is 2500N. Applying full throttle means an excess of 3000-2500 = 500N. This is the half of driveForceToMaxSlip, so the wheel is allowed to slip the half of maxDriveSlip, that is, 2.5 m/s.

Force Curve Shape: How the force is decreased with speed. Affects the time the vehicle needs for reaching its maximum speed. Realistic forces have values < 0.5. Arcade-style forces use values > 0.5.


Max Brake Force: Maximum force in Newtons (N) that is delivered to the brakes at full brake input. Final brake force applied by the wheels depend on the Tire Friction and load.

Brake Force To Max Slip: Excess of force in N that makes the wheel to slip while braking at its maximum allowed rate (defined below) when receiving brake force.

Brake Mode,
Hand Brake Mode: how the excess of brake force will be translated into slip.

  • Slip: a maximum slip in m/s is allowed when braking. Example: if maxBrakeSlip is 2 the wheel won’t slide further than 2 m/s, even applying a huge brake force. This setting allows controlling the reaction of the brakes when braking at any speed.
  • Ratio: the maximum slip when braking is a ratio of the actual speed. Example: if maxBrakeRatio is 1, appling full brakes will actually lock the wheel. This is a more realistic setting.

Max Brake Slip,
Max Handbrake Slip:
 maximum slip in m/s allowed in the Slip brake mode.

Max Brake Ratio,
Max Handbrake Ratio:
maximum slip ratio in % (0-1) of the actual speed allowed in the Ratio brake mode.

Driving Aids

Each driving aid can be configured gradually from disabled to fully engaged.

TC: Do not allow wheels to slide when applying throttle.

ABS: Do not allow wheels to slide when applying brakes.

ESP: Limits the steering angle with speed.

Vehicle Controls

Just the exposed controls of the vehicle’s user input. Useful in some circumstances while developing in the Editor. Most of time these will be controlled by the component Vehicle Standard Input.

Visual wheels

Settings affecting the visual meshes of the wheels. Can be configured for visual quality or performance:

Spin Update Rate: when to update the wheel’s rotation. OnUpdate provides great quality even in slow motion, OnFixedUpdate is slightly faster.

WheelPositionMode: how to calculate the visual wheel contacting the ground. Accurate uses an additional RayCast on each frame. Fast takes the position reported by the physics directly.


Disallow Runtime Changes: Performance optimization if these WheelCollider parameters are not expected to change at runtime: spring, damper, suspension distance, force application point).

Wheel Collider

These properties must be configured in the WheelCollider:

  • Radius (m)
  • Suspension Distance (m)
  • Spring (N/m)
  • Damper (Ns/m)

Position and Radius can be automatically configured to their corresponding visual meshes. Set the Wheels properties in Vehicle Controller (Wheel Collider + Wheel Transform), then click the context menu for the component and select Adjust WheelColliders to their meshes. Check out the video at the top of the page.

These properties may be configured optionally:

  • Force App Point Distance (m) (not important)
  • Center (optional)

All other properties are either not used or handled internally by Edy’s Vehicle Physics 5. No need to set them in the editor, as their values don’t have any effect in the simulation.


Add a Comment
  1. Hey Edy, is it possible to make a vehicle make donuts like in this video using EVP5 ?
    I can’t seem to find the right settings, would you please lead me on the right direction?



  2. I am just starting in game building. wanting to use all different types of vech’s, so this looks like what I need ”BUT” can a person just starting out understand , and use this. and also the $ 100.00 price’ is the one im looking at. Thank you… Charles Pike… 🙂

  3. MZ, of course it’s possible. Use rear wheel drive only, then adjust the longitudinal position of the CoM and the Max Drive Slip Value until you find a good setting.

    It’s not easy to find a perfect setting. Even some drivers in the video are struggling with power and steering in order to find the proper balance. If you are using keyboard or touch controls, then it’s even more difficult: you need to find the good setting at “full-throttle / full-steering”, there’s no intermediate values.

    Still, next version is planned to include new settings for balancing the car (center of mass, power, brakes) that will make much easier to configure the vehicle in the desired way.

  4. Does Edy’s vehicle physics use the default forward/sideways friction settings?

  5. No, those settings are ignored. EVP calculates and applies the tire forces itself.

  6. Hello Edy,

    I want to give the player’s car some sort of health system where the health of the vehicle reduces as the mesh or nodes are deformed. Once health reaches 0 the vehicle standard input script is disabled. I’m seeking your advice on What would be a logical way for me to approach this?

    I’ve started developing a game called weekend drive and below is a link to my video showing the first game mode I’m working on. The environment is fully destructible (meteorites raining down upon the city) and so for me the player’s vehicle having health is something I’d like to implement.


    Looqmaan (GTGD)

  7. @Looqmaan, please send your support request by email to edytado@gmail.com. Thanks!

  8. Hi,

    I recently bought the package and I feel that the sports car in the demo has higher top speed and more reponsive turning than the current demo in evp5. Is it because its a work in progress?
    How do i make the sports coupe more like a racing car. I tried changing the top speed from default 60 to all the way to 300 and also the force from 8000 to 30000 but I dont see a big difference.
    And at high speed turning is really difficult. Is there a way to control that?

    Also I noticed that evp5 beta4 was uploaded to asset store but when I download it, it loads the older version using js and located in ‘EdyVehiclePhysics’. Not sure where the problem is.


  9. The aerodynamic drag has big influence in the top speed as well.

    Download the package using Unity 5. You’ll then receive the latest EVP5 version.

  10. Just bought a copy of your asset and I am really happy that I did:). Easy to use and easy to control.
    Is it hard to integrate Oculus VR in your system?


  11. Aydin, thank you very much! I don’t see why not. Either replace or configure the camera in the scene for using Oculus VR.

  12. Thank you for your response. Will try it out:). Other question that I asked but never got posted was about brake lights. Couldn’t see that option


  13. Hie how to drift used Edys physics 4.3

  14. If I buy your Unity3D product which is in beta, will I get free update when it is officially released?

  15. @Aydin Brake lights will come in a future release.
    @Ope Yes, all future 5.x upgrades are included.

  16. Hi Edy,

    Please what are the the requirements for my vehicle model to use your EVP5?


  17. Wheels must be children objects and have their origins located at their respective centers. Check out this video for details.

  18. Hi, we are pro users of your package and we love it! Looking forward to the new updates. I posted a question on the unity forum and wondered what the turn around time might be on an answer?

  19. Hi Edy,

    Your car physics tool is a really awesome one! But as I am designing a racing game with your tool kit, I wasn’t able to obtain the car speed greater than 355 km/hr in anyway. I tried increasing “maxSpeedForward” and “maxDriveForce” to a really large value but it didn’t work. Could you please tell me the procedure to obtain high speed greater than 430-450km/hr.

    Thanks in advance!

  20. Apratim, please mail me the details of your setup so I could take a look at them and give you a solution. Thank you!

  21. Hi Edy! I bought your asset and it is really great! Can you help me in adding controls for Android to the project? How to do that?

  22. A mobile device controller will be included in an upcoming version. For now, I’d suggest to adapt the CrossPlatformInput controller included in Unity’s Standard Assets.

  23. Hello Edy, i want to buy your package, but i dont know if it is possible to achieve my needs.

    I want to create a game familar to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rkgames.smashywanted , which is also for mobile. If you play the game, the car physics are very realistic. Especially when you drive half on the way and half on the grass. Also in your demo, the cars don’t slip if you make a turn like in smashy road.

    I wonder if smashy road physics can be achieved with your package or if that your package is too overkill (or not suited) for this purpose?


  24. All that I’ve seen in the video for Smashy Road can be simulated with Edy’s Vehicle Physics. In my demo the cars don’t slip because they’re configured not to do so. Most of them have the driving aids enabled. But they can be disabled, and the vehicles can slide in the way required by your gameplay.

  25. Hello,
    Your pack is really great!
    I wonder if I can make a semi- trailer with the joint ?

    Thanks you for your answer .

    Best regards

  26. Julio Teodori

    Hola Edy! Fantástico tu trabajo, estamos desarrollando un juego utilizándolo. La pregunta:
    ¿es válido para iOS? Antes de prepararlo para PC queremos lanzarlo para iPhone y iPAD.
    Muchas gracias por tu trabajo!! Suerte! Julio

  27. Muchas gracias! EVP funciona en todas las plataformas soportadas por Unity, por supuesto incluyendo iOS.

  28. Hi Edy 🙂
    first of all, thanks for a great creation. your simulator is really wonderful.

    I’m trying to use my force feedback wheel with your simulator (Logitech Driving Force GT) but I’m getting a huge center dead-spot- I have to steer more than a quarter of a turn before there’s any response.
    I went through the “Vehicle …” scripts and couldn’t find any float to sharpen.

    Do you have any idea how to help me make the steering more accurate?

    Thank you very much!

  29. Thank you for your feedback! Please send your support query to edytado@gmail.com and I’ll be happy to help you.

  30. Hi Edy, I recently bought your EVP5 and i Can’t figure out how to increase vehicle speed to be like any vehicle in racing games like NFS. Kindly help.

  31. @Elvis, please send your support request by email to edytado@gmail.com. Thanks!

  32. Hi Edy,
    i just purchased evp5.
    Is there anywhere a example setup for an arcade style driving?
    I have tuned, a bit but i get not the results i expected.

  33. @Andreas, please send your support request by email to edytado@gmail.com. Thanks!

  34. Edy, are we gonna be able to make a driving simulator when you implement all of the previous features of the system ? With that i mean manual gearing, engine stall, etc… I asked about this before actually but it’s more powerful now i’d like to see what it can do now, or will do in future.

  35. @Ricky Those features haven’t been part of any version of EVP, and they’re not planned. However, my other product Vehicle Physics Pro accurately simulates all parts of the vehicle, including engine, gearbox, clutch etc. In VPP you can actually configure the engine to stall.

  36. @Edy Yes i ment vehicle physics pro, it improved from last time i asked this. Okay so this should be possible then, great !

  37. Hey I just purchased you Vehicle Physics. I am extremely impressed. I am making a GTA-like game, and it took me only a few hours to adapt the Vehicle Manager script to allow the player to get in/out of the car.

    I only have one suggestion/request – you should allow users to post their Vehicle Controller presets somehow, since it seems everyone wants to know all the “best” settings. Might wind up saving alot of questions, and would be extremely useful for new users.

    Thanks again!

  38. Hi Edy, I can’t seem to find a way to make the car fully stop when using the brakes, and reverse only when releasing and pressing the brake again. Any help would be greatly appreciated

  39. Where is the manual? I can;t find a forum or a manual, if this is the manual I will need personal assistance 🙂

    I’m trying to locate the instructions for where to allocated textures to materials, so dirt textures for dust and tyre marks.

  40. @Rob, thanks for the suggestion! There are no “best settings” though. Each project demands a specific behavior, so the best I can do is helping user to understand how each parameter affects the behavior of the vehicle, as well, as provide useful examples to take as reference.

    @doron I’ve replied you by email

    @Tim, you’re right sorry. I’m preparing a new documentation site for all the features. I can tell you that the ground materials and marks work in the same way as Vehicle Phycics Pro, so most of the ground materials doc is also valid for EVP:


  41. Hi Edy,
    i am developing a mobile car racing game i coded a script in c# it works but it is not as realistic as i deserve so i decided to buy your awesome pack but it doesn’t include touch input control and accelerometer control right? if so, what can i do to solve this problem? please help me..

  42. @Ahmet The Cross Platform Input component included with the free Standard Assets from Unity can be easily adapted to work with EVP.

  43. Hi – I bought your package on the asset store, and I like it a lot. How can I make a vehicle “pop a wheelie” right off the mark, accelerate fast so the front end comes off the ground for a bit?

  44. @Ernie, please send your support request by email to edytado@gmail.com. Thanks!

  45. Hi Edy, nice job with your EVP package. I bought it and it works fine!
    I just want to know if you think that is possible to create a semi-trailer truck with your package. Managing all the wheels / axles, weight distribution, attaching or detaching the trailer, etc…
    Thanks! 🙂

  46. @Crèvecoeur yes, absolutely. The semi-trailer truck can be simulated with two EVP vehicles joined by a custom joint. Truck would enable throttle, brakes and steering at their corresponding axles, while the trailer would enable brakes only. Attaching / detaching is up to you (I don’t have experience with joints in runtime yet).

  47. Edy, I am tring to intergrate the Sportbike Pro Kit with EVP5. Any assistance would be appreciated.

  48. Robert Skyler

    I need to OffSet your Skidmark shader to raise their z-axis to show up on easyroads surfaces. I have seen the C# Vehicle Tire Effects but not found any z-axis offset. How can I fix this so skidmarks display on top of easyroads3d default roads

  49. When your vehicles achieve a negative forward velocity regardless of actual wheel speed, engine power, wheel grip, or relative velocity all forward power to the wheels is cut. This is very annoying. I need the Full power at all times regardless of positive or negative velocity relative or otherwise. How do i remove this crushing limitation?

  50. Hello all,

    Feel free to write me to edy @ vehiclephysics.com for assistance.

  51. Jose Ponciano

    Hola Edy donde puedo encontrar un tutorial para hacer autos con IA usando tu assets?, saludos desde Peru.

  52. İs it good performence on mobile?

  53. Absolutely. The core vehicle physics code is extremely lightweight. You may only need to configure the components that create tire marks and smoke, as these features require the most performance. Still, they can be configured for performance while keeping most of their appearance.

  54. Hello
    Is There a way to integrate Edy’s Physics with Racing Game Kit(RGK) for player control

  55. Hi, You said that you would add mobile controller in an update. Is it here now?

  56. Hossein Abrar

    Hi Edy
    I want a customized vehicle physics for my funny racing game. Can you implement it for me? if you have time for my project please email me to make a deal.
    Sorry for my bad english.


  57. can i use edy tire dust with RCC car’s tires?

  58. Hya Edy, I’m using your plugin and the car feels like real life!! its great but I’ve got one issue. I can’t use pathfinding with it!! Please help!!

  59. Hello ,
    Does Your Physics Offer A.I Capability?
    I Am Currently Making A Racing Game With Racing Game Starter Kit. I Wanted To Invest In Some Money In Good Physics For The Game.
    I Am Asking This Question For Edy’s Vehicle Physics v5.1

  60. Hi Edy! Is it possible to create an arcade car physics like old style Screamer 2, with immediate feeling of speed, not much rolling and oversteering. Another example it could be Ignition, if you’re old like me! 🙂
    Thanks a lot for any reply!

  61. @Aqib Sadiq According to their page, RGK is compatible with Edy’s Vehicle Physics.

    @Udha Not yet. I’m developing it for Vehicle Physics Pro, and will be ported to EVP afterwards.

    @Hossein Abrar Please write me to edy @ vehiclephysics.com. I charge a fee for configuring vehicles based on the required development time.

    @gulzaib Not directly for sure. Maybe with adaptations, if you’re able to feed the tire effects components with the proper data.

    @Tom Standard pathfinding components in Unity are designed for characters, not for vehicles. I had specifically asked Unity devs about this when I met them at Unite. For pathfinding in vehicles you may want to sear information on Dubins Paths.

    @Lakshay The package includes an example of “AI”-driven car. This AI is just random blind input, but the script may be used as template for implementing a proper AI tied to your specific project.

    @toneddu2000 Ohhhh, the good old Screamer 2! I had lots of fun with that game. Yes, such game is perfectly possible with EVP. Physics are simple and fun, exactly EVP-style 🙂

  62. Thanks Edy for this great asset. Could you help me out with the integration of your asset with Logitech G27 Steering Wheel + Pedals + Gear system. Thanks!

  63. Murtaza Shahid

    Hi edy,
    I was trying to fit a muscle car into your kit.
    I applied all the steps you have shown above to setup a vehicle but i have applied the colliders for a racing car becaue your kit doesnot have any muscle cars sound effects and all.

  64. Hi, I have a problem. The problem is that I do not know how to make a tactile control to control the car, because I want to make a game for mobile devices and tried everything, I could not.
    Thank you

  65. Hello,I want to create a car by your plugin.I found the example car is setted right by green line,but when I set it by video tutorial,the green line is infinite that means not right.So how to do it like your prefab cars by green line?

  66. Hello, please write me to edy@vehiclephysics.com for getting support.

  67. wonder if your script allow wheels to don’t spin, gotta a project with some “voxel” tires and can’t spin them…

  68. Hello Edy,
    I’m new to Unity and I’m very interested in your vehicle physics. Wondering if I can easily add more functions for the car by editing your c# scripts. For instance I might want to display the car’s world coordinates on Telemetry, is it possible? Thanks!

  69. @lian flea Yes. You can disable the wheels to visually update. This is intended to be used with LODs, but it’s a standard public variable you may use as you wish.

    @Limbo My vehicle simulation packages are designed in a comprehensive modular way. A single script provides the core vehicle physics. Further features are provided via add-on components. You may use the components included in the package, or use them as example for writing your own features.

  70. From a happy customer: Would it possible for me to implement something like this (http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/medias/images/crayford-gecko-8×8.jpg?fx=r_950_950) using this component? I think it’s called differential steering where none of the wheels steer? Hope it makes sense? If possible can you point me to something that could get me started? Thank you so much.

  71. hi, Edy I want to pause audio effects while I have paused game play (i.e my vehicle is paused). I never saw any thing related to this. I will have to add my own function in your VehicleAudio class?

  72. Hi Edy, I am trying to get pitch, roll and yaw velocity values from the hull of vehicle with your physics. I have problems matching rigidBody.Angularvelocity with the angle positions. Any advice on this matter? Also is there a way to get the angular accelration?

  73. hi edy, would be really nice if you could add icons to your components, instead of the regular c# script icon that we have, that way it’d be a lot easier for us to identify and visually appealing, love your product

  74. I wanted to implement manual gear change, is there anyway to do that with this asset?

  75. Hello! I want to buy your asset but I’m not sure whether I will be able to implement the behavior of the machine as in the game Reckless Racing 3. I want arcade style with fast acceleration and quick rotation fuul body. Can you watch some videos about this game and tell me will it be possible? Or may be you could make small video to demonstrate thit car behaviour. Thanks!

  76. Hey all, please write me to edy @ vehiclephysics.com for your support and pre-sales queries. Thank you!

  77. Hey Edy
    While rigging a new car e.g. Smartfortwo car. How can I set Tire characteristics i.e., magic formula curve into it?

  78. Paul Drummond

    I’m finding this asset very useful but wondered if there’s a way to adjust the steering. I’m don’t want to change how it works, simply the way the wheels appear to snap back into position. Is it possible to change the appearance so the wheel transforms return to the neutral position more slowly?

  79. Hello, how can I configure the vehicle standard input to set the handbrake to a joypad button, or can this not be done?

  80. Paul, you may configure the Unity input parameters. Here is more information:

  81. Hi – This looks great. Can this be adapted for off-road type driving? We need to have a raised car (dune buggy) type.

  82. Hola Edy.
    Enhorabuena por EVP5. Llevo haciendo pruebas unas semanas con distintos parámetros y muy buenos resultados. Hasta ahora he conseguido conducciones que tienden a lo realista. Ahora estoy intentando hacer funcionar algo más estilizado a lo Burnout Paradise. Pienso que en ese juego se toman ciertas licencias en la simulación de físicas y me preguntaba si podría conseguir una sensación similar con tu EVP5. Para concretar un poco más, querría conseguir lo siguiente:
    -Una frenada con poco derrape y sin que el coche cabeceé hacia los laterales (para un input de steer de cero). He hecho pruebas variando la ‘Max Brake Force’, ‘Brake Force To Max Slip’, ‘Max Brake Ratio’ y ‘Brake Balance’ y, o no frena en un espacio lo suficientemente breve o el peso se desplaza demasiado hacia adelante hasta el punto de despegar las ruedas traseras del suelo.
    -Una mayor aceleración al arrancar sin que la suspensión trasera bote. Modificando la ‘Max Speed Forward’, ‘Aerodynamic Downforce’ y los parámetros del motor, me he encontrado con un límite, más allá del cual la suspensión trasera comienza a rebotar al arrancar.
    Te adjunto al final mi configuración actual. Entiendo que contestar estas dudas podría llevarte demasiado tiempo, pero cualquier pista o consejo que puedas aportar es de gran ayuda. Muchas gracias por tu atención.

    Center of Mass (Parametric)
    Position: 0.6
    Height: 0.1

    Vehicle Setup
    Max Speed Forward: 70
    Max Speed Reverse: 20
    Tire friction: 2
    Anti-roll: 0.9
    Max Steer Angle: 45
    Aerodynamic Drag: 0.2
    Aerodynamic Downforce: 1
    Rolling Resistance 0.2

    Max Drive Force: 7100
    Max Drive Slip: 12
    Drive Force To Max Slip: 6000
    Force Curve Shape: 0.99

    Max Brake Force: 8500
    Brake Force To Max Slip: 15
    Max Brake Ratio: 0.8
    Max Handbrake Ratio: 0.8

    Vehicle Balance
    Drive Balance: 0
    Brake Balance: 0.4
    Tire Friction: 0.5
    Aerodynamics: 0.3
    Handling Bias: 0.55

    Driving Aids
    Traction Control: off
    Brake Assist: 0.3
    Steering Limit: 0.1
    Steering Assist: 1

  83. @SJ Harris absolutely: https://twitter.com/VehiclePhysics/status/1103322943361347591

    @Patricio escríbeme a edy@vehiclephysics.com para poder darte soporte técnico. Gracias!

  84. Thanks for sharing! It’s looked like GTA right ?

  85. Hello!I want to control the car’s gear by pressing the buttons, thus controlling the speed.But I am a little white, want to ask you to help.thank you

  86. Cameron Uhlig

    Hi Edy,
    Is there a way to modify the axis of the usb steering wheel? I have the Thurstmaster FGT Rumble Force. It is recognized by your scripts but the steering axis is reversed. When i run your VPP demo application i can select Trustmaster t500RS and all works well. Is there a way to set that in VPP Unity? I am just testing with this wheel for now and intent to purchase the t300.

  87. Abdul Rehman Asif

    The car jumps uncontrollably or shakes at rest

    How to Fix this Problem Please

  88. Hello. I sass the bus you are using also appears in other games. I’m new to unity and I would like to make a bus game. Can you tell me where can I get the bus

  89. Can these scripts be used for AI enemies?

  90. I cant seem to find any information about setting up tire marks tracks etc. Everything else iw working great, but theres no tire marks at all anywhere no matter what i do.

  91. Hola Edy,

    en la versión free no se pueden escribir componentes propios verdad? 🙁
    quería probar algo para las clases.


  92. @Jose Edy’s Vehicle Physics (EVP) y Vehicle Physics Pro (VPP) son dos productos diferentes. EVP incluye el código fuente y puedes hacer lo que desees. La versión gratuita de VPP no incluye código fuente y no permite modificar el vehículo mediante componentes propios, sólo a través de los que están incluidos. Más información:


  93. Tolga Karanlik

    Is there a premade way of shifting? I can make a multiplier current shift and I can increase/decrease in cooperation with shifting up and down, but it would be nice if there would be a gear changing system.

  94. Ashish Gawale

    hi i tested the EVP and i noticed that whatever changes i made , the vehicle is not able to turn properly(when the vehicle goes a bit fast). either it not letting me turn or the front wheels were sliding. am i missing something?. i want to know that how can i customize vehicle. there was a video for setup but i coudnt found any video on how things works. if you could make a video on how things works, that will be great, else give me a direction to follow pls.

  95. I was tempted to pick this up but there is so little information online outside of this thread and the unity forum post.

    Is there no discord server where the community can help each other etc? It seems a real shame as lots of questions im wondering about are asked but you just direct people to email you which means the same question will just keep getting asked again and again as those answers are not made public anywhere and there is no community who can answer for you.

  96. Richard Engle

    i would like to implement damage to things like tie rod, ball joint, and engine failure. How can i help you… in like, Is there access to code for this?

  97. am i correct in thinking EVP doesn’t have manual gears and i would need to add it myself?

  98. can you make a HTML download version on replit for me please
    i cant download the original

  99. I tried editing the Vehicle Scripts to no avail. I wanted to implement the function to android mobile. But since we’re here, how do I go about it since we’re unable to edit it?

  100. Hello, I seem to have a problem. I did everything in the video tutorial but the wheels of my car turn not like normal wheels but on their side (not radially but like a tumble to the side).

    any idea what might be the reason?

  101. @Meng That’s because the orientations in the 3D model are not compliant with Unity. See this page for more information (VPP doc, but also applicable to EVP): https://vehiclephysics.com/user-guide/3d-models/

  102. Nevermind, the problem was that the FBX for the model didn’t have the meshes writable. Therefore the car was behaving crazy…

  103. Hi Edy,

    Is there any example with motorcycle?

  104. Hey edy, is it possible to make the vehicles have manual transmission

  105. Used this for manual gears https://support.vehiclephysics.com/444/how-to-simulate-manual-gears-in-evp . any tips for adding a rev limiter sound? also thanks for this asset its the best out of them all apart from vpp, https://youtu.be/0lBUqWrCb9w?si=8ur7CnmZjVR36Nro

  106. Hello Edy! Can you please shed some light on how to get your asset to work with a gamepad or ps4 controller?

  107. hi i was wondering how i could intergrate mobile support your evp

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